A Multilayered Love Story

Hakim and Habib were two young 21 year old men. One day they were just taking a stroll by the road. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an armed man turned up at Habib. Hakim was the first one to notice it. He put himself in between the attacker and Habib. A knife tore into Hakim’s body close to his left shoulder. Hakim grimaced in pain. A couple of drops of tears fell from his eyes. Yet he didn't cry out loud. He never used to do that. Habib noticed his tears. The attacker pulled his knife out of Hakim’s body. Habib hit hard on his hand. He dropped the knife from his hand. Habib swiftly took possession of the knife and swung it at the attacker. It went deep into his neck. Habib then called an ambulance. It took Hakim and the attacker to the hospital. 

Hakim needed blood. His blood group was A+. Habib was O+. He donated his blood to save Hakim. He joked, “He shed his blood to save me. I hope my blood will be helpful in saving him”. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He prayed. “Oh Allah! Heal him! You are the one who heals. Heal him! Oh Allah! Oh Allah!” and then wiped his tears. Hakim was in a coma for a week.  And then he regained consciousness. Habib was extremely excited. But there was an issue, Hakim’s left shoulder’s movement was restricted by the injury. He could still move it, but with difficulty.

Habib went to see him in his hospital bed. Hakim invited him closer. But he had to maintain a distance as a precaution against potential infections till Hakim’s injury was scarred. 

Hakim asked Habib, “Are you alright? “. 

Habib replied, “I am alright. But they filed murder charges against me” .

Hakim said, “Alhamdulillah that you are alright. What is with the murder charge? ”. 

“That man died. I just swung the knife back at him in self defence”.

“You do so much to save me.” replied Hakim accompanied by a couple of tear droplets.

“Dude! You almost killed yourself for me. And it will take time before your left hand functions properly.”

Hakim didn’t say anything. Habib left after some time.

In  a few days, Hakim left the hospital. Hakim had to occasionally visit the hospital for physiotherapy. Habib had to go for court hearings. It took a year for Hakim to be OK. They were searching for marriage before this accident. Hakim had gone to check out one such proposal a few days before the attack.

They usually used to hang out together in the balconies of the homes of one of them which they would choose at random. There they would sit talking to each other admiring the night sky and even each other’s beauty. In their first such meeting after the attack, Habib inquired about Hakim’s last proposal. ”She said she didn’t like me,” clarified Hakim. “How does a girl not like a sexy young man like you?” joked Habib. They both laughed at it. They were at Hakim’s balcony. Habib was sitting on the floor with his legs stretched. Hakim lay perpendicular to Habib with his head on Habib’s lap. “She might have left you over the attack if she had agreed. It’s a good thing that she didn’t.” said Habib. “It’s all God's will.” Hakim reassured himself in a voice that expressed his pain. “Hey My sweetheart! Don’t despair. Who in his right mind cries over a rejection?” Habib comforted him. Hakim burst out laughing. Then he said in a calm tone, “My Love, You know what? It is worth dying a virgin if I live with you“ . They hugged each other. Hakim turned his head to almost collide with Habib. 

Hakim exclaimed, “Don’t kiss on my lips man! They are for my wife” . 

“I was going to kiss your cheek”, said Habib blushing.

Hakim laughed, “Same here. Who is going to do it first? You do it.”

Habib kissed Hakim's cheek. Hakim reciprocated the gesture.

“I love feeling your hands on my back, my love. I love you to the extent that I wish I was a woman so that I could marry you and avoid the night’s separation.” said Hakim.

“I love you as well, my heart. You do behave like a woman in love with me at times. Haha.”

Then Habib got up and said, “Good night. Will see you tomorrow Inshallah “ and then he left.

Hakim’s hand had gotten better. Habib was still involved in a criminal case. Hakim restarted searching for proposals. In one such journey to check out a girl, Hakim was accompanied by his father. He reached her home and went and sat in the living room with his father and the girl’s father. Hakim sat there without uttering a word. He just smiled at the girl’s father when he looked at him. He said, “Hakim?” . 

“Yes. That is my name.”

“I am Jamal. You are dealing with a wedding proposal with my daughter Laila.”

“I am satisfied with her background. Is she happy with mine? “

“She enquired what will you give her. She is fairly satisfied with your background.“

“OK. Should we proceed with what we came here for? “

Hakim’s father interrupted, “I will move out then.”

Jamal responded in positive. Hakim’s father went to the courtyard and proceeded to examine the garden. He was spotted by Laila’s brother. He proceeded to have a chat with him. “I am the boy’s father” .

“I am Laila’s brother. “

“ I was just looking at the garden.”

They were interrupted by Jamal calling them from the doorstep. He was holding a tray with a few tumblers filled with tea in it. There was an open packet of cookies on the side. Hakim’s father and Laila’s brother took a tumbler of tea each and a few cookies and proceeded with their conversation. Meanwhile, Hakim was sitting inside sipping tea patiently waiting for Laila. In a few minutes, a slim lady almost 5’6” tall dressed in a magenta plain abaya and a magenta hijab appeared in the room. Hakim stood up and looked at the girl. He was staring at a fairly fair girl. His eyes struck against her eyes. His heart skipped a beat. For a moment, he experienced a heavenly pleasure. He stood there enjoying her lovely black eyes which had been outlined with kohl. She too was examining him. She noticed that he was almost as tall as her. She was intrigued as she had already known that he was also 23 like her. The height too was matching. He too was slightly slim like her. She was looking at a man with a well kept beard. She found him quite attractive. Hakim was brought back to his senses by a beautiful voice, “I don’t think I will find another match like this“ . Hakim too was pleasantly surprised, “Subhanallah! What a pleasure. I think I found my girl! “

The next day was a very important day in Habib’s life. He had to go to court over murder charges against him. He was acquitted of the charge. The court ruled it as an act of self defence. On getting out of the court, Hakim and Habib hugged each other. They shed tears of happiness. That night again they met at a balcony. “Alhamdulillah! I am so happy today Habib. You did it for me. It was something that used to hurt me.” Hakim started the conversation. “ It was a necessity of the time. It is all over. Don’t worry about it. How was your trip yesterday?” Habib enquired. “I think I found my spouse. “ responded Hakim. “That is some great news!”, exclaimed Habib. “Now that you no longer have a criminal case against you, it will be easier for you to find your match.” replied Hakim. “Inshallah” responded Habib. “Habib, I enjoy it when we look at the night sky sitting next to each other. But do you know what I enjoy more?” asked Hakim. Habib expressed his curiosity by turning his head towards Hakim paying extra attention. “Looking at your eyes when you look at the stars”. 

“I can’t help but laugh at it. Why do we act like a couple in love at times?” replied Habib laughing. “You love me. I love you. But we cannot get married because we are both men. If I were a woman, I would have married you. We might be a couple in love.” replied Hakim. Then they both laughed. After some time, they split as usual.

Hakim proceeded with finalizing his marriage while Habib continued searching for proposals. Habib finally got engaged to a woman named Janna. It was finally the big day for Hakim. He was dressed in formal attire for the day. In the morning, he went to get his marriage registered accompanied by his father, mother, sister and Habib. There they were met by Laila, her father, mother and brother. Hakim went in with Laila and her father for their Nikah. Hakim noticed that Laila was sad the whole time. He whispered in her ears, "What is the matter? Why are you looking gloomy? We got married today. Cheer up!". He held her hand while walking out. She leaned slightly on his shoulder. She was still unhappy. Hakim felt uneasy about her mood. But he maintained a smile in front of others. 

All the functions were over and it was night. Hakim and Laila were moving into their decorated bedroom. Before going in, Hakim gave his parents and sister a hug each and then hugged Habib and they kissed each other on their cheeks. Then Hakim and Laila went in and locked their bedroom.  Laila was the first one to start the conversation, “Give me what you gave him”. Hakim looked at her puzzled. She screamed at him, annoyed, “Kiss me!!”. Hakim instantly hugged her and kissed her on her cheeks. Then he let her kiss him. He noticed that she was still gloomy. He enquired, "I had been noticing this since morning. What is wrong with you, my lady?" . “I had been waiting to be with a man for years. And now I have to wait for a week”, she replied crying. Hakim hugged her, “Are you on your periods, my lady?” . “Yes. My man. From this morning.”, Hakim was a bit annoyed as he had pictured the wedding night to be extremely exciting. But he came to terms with it quickly. "We waited for years. What is yet another week? And we can still do a part of it.“, he consoled Laila. ”You are right. We must do something tonight. I had been longing for this night.”, she responded. She then pulled her hijab off her head. He took his coat and belt off, pulled his socks off his feet and pulled his tucked in shirt out. After placing those articles of clothing safely in the wardrobe, they both sat on opposite sides of the bed looking at each other enjoying their beauty. He was enjoying her hair. He hadn’t gotten as good a view as that before. She was the one to break the silence, ”Will you never kiss anywhere apart from the cheek?“ . “Where do you want me to kiss?” enquired Hakim passionately. She jumped at him and started kissing his lips. Then they proceeded to suck each other’s tongues. After some time, Laila let Hakim withdraw. Hakim commented, “I have never experienced such a thing before”. “ I want more. This might be all I can get for a week.“ said Laila, proceeding to kiss him again. They lay on the bed cuddling, kissing each other multiple times in the same manner with breaks in between. Then they were tired and went to sleep still hugging each other.

Next morning, while going to work, Habib noticed that Hakim wasn’t as happy as usual. He spoke in a joking manner in an attempt to console him, “At least you should be happy about your wedding night yesterday” . Hakim gave Habib a harsh look. Habib felt that he messed up something. He asked in a regretful tone. “I am sorry my beloved. But what is the matter with you, my heart? Why are you sad? How was your last night? “. Hakim responded, "Oh! We slept together. And we kissed each other a lot. But we are not satisfied. We couldn't go all the way. She has been on her periods since yesterday morning. She is much more sad about it than me”. “That will be alright. Don’t worry.” Habib consoled Hakim and gave him a hug. After some time, Habib tried to pull himself away to go somewhere. But he was tightly bound by Hakim. "Hello! How long are you going to stay like this?" He expressed discomfort. Hakim left his hold, “I am sorry. But I was just upset.” he said. “It is all good, my love. At the end of the day, we are there for each other”. 

In the evening, Hakim brought with him a packet of sanitary napkins home. Laila smiled at Hakim, “I had enough for this week. Still, thank you!”. She hugged Hakim and kissed on his cheek. “It is my duty. No need to thank me.” responded Hakim. Hakim noticed her clothes. She was wearing a top and a skirt that reached her calf. Hakim went to chat with Habib as usual and returned at night. Laila asked him to kiss him like the previous day and he did. This happened the third night as well. On the fourth night, Laila wanted to go further. That night after closing the door, she asked him to kiss her. He gave her a kiss on her cheek. Then she kissed his cheek and they proceeded to suck each other’s tongue. She slowly rolled her top up .Then she slowly pulled herself away from him and took her top off exposing her bra. She looked at him with lust. She bit her lips and then she let it go crying, “The wait is killing me. How many more days should I do this? “. Hakim hugged her to console her. Laila kissed him again and slowly pulled his shirt up. Then she withdrew and took his shirt off. She drooled at his chest, “You are such a temptation! Don’t show your chest to anyone else”. She looked at him in a pleading manner. He could not help but get irritated. She was such a beauty. She was irresistible. He could feel the difficulty to maintain self control. He said, “Don’t show your beauty to anyone else. You are so irresistible! “. They hugged each other and continued kissing each other. She proceeded to unhook her bra. Hakim signaled her to not do it in a pleading manner, “I am struggling with controlling myself. Do not make it tougher for me” . She gave up the attempt and continued kissing him with breaks till they were both tired. Then they put their clothes back on and went to sleep cuddling. 

The fifth night, Hakim went to his bedroom after his regular chat with Habib. There he found Laila praying. She was in prostration when he went in. A smile appeared on his face. He did feel a bit awkward about it. Once she was done praying, she got up and took off her hijab and abaya and left it in the wardrobe. And kept her prayer mat back to where she took it from. Hakim smiled at her in a very awkward manner. She felt excited. She quickly closed the door. “Let’s do it! I had been waiting for years for this. I waited for years to start getting marriage proposals. Then I waited for months to get engaged. Then I waited for months to marry you. And it is now the 5th day”. 

She went closer to Hakim. She hugged him. Hakim hugged her back. She touched his forehead against his and looked at him with desire. Hakim looked at her with an expression that expressed a mixture of lust and shyness. She then started to kiss his lips. He opened his mouth a little. She slid his tongue into his mouth and started sucking it. He put his tongue in her mouth and started sucking her tongue. She eased her hold of him and rolled her top up. Then she withdrew her tongue and slowly pulled her head back. Hakim pulled his tongue back. Then she took her top off. She got close to Hakim yet again and started kissing. This time, she slowly pulled his shirt up. After some time, she pulled herself back. Hakim removed his shirt. Laila stood there drooling at his chest for a few moments. Then she pulled him closer to her. She touched her nose against his. ”I saw your chest. Do you not want to see mine?” She whispered. She bit her lips to give a naughty expression. She took Hakim’s hands and placed them near her bra’s strap. ”Unhook it.” she commanded. Hakim did as he was told to. Then she removed it altogether. Hakim was enticed by her breasts which were in a perfect condition. They kept drooling over each other’s chest before Laila made the next move. She pulled Hakim closer so close to her that her breasts were pressed against his chest. She proceeded to kiss him. While they continued kissing, she let her hands loose and unbuckled her skirt. It fell down. She moved a bit forward with Hakim and then kicked her skirt to the side. Then she moved backwards with him. Then she unbuttoned his pants and pulled it down a bit. Then she pulled herself away from him and asked him to remove his pants and he did as he was told. They stared at each other’s thighs for a few moments. ”You are so sexy! Indeed I got a wife that fulfils my heart’s desire. Oh Lord! You are truly the most benevolent. My lady, I am blessed to be your husband.” Hakim said in surprise. “Your thighs are as seductive as your chest. “ Laila commented. She proceeded to hug him and they kissed each other for some more time. They had their hands on each other's thighs while doing it. Then Laila pulled herself back. Then she stripped her panties and put it away. Then she kept her right hand over her pussy and moved her fingers up and down. She said to Hakim playfully, “Look at me, my man. Aww!” . Then she lay on the bed and spread her legs, “Come on my man, this is my gift for you. Take my virginity.” Hakim stripped naked and then they lost their virginity to each other. As she lost her virginity, a smile spread across her face. Hakim felt relieved at losing his virginity. In a few minutes she was screaming with pleasure, “Ah! Ah! Ah! Aaah!”. She shivered. Hakim felt tired. “I had been waiting to experience this for years. You are really good. I am lucky to be your wife. I love you my man, I love you a lot.” she shed tears of happiness. Hakim’s mother knocked on the door, “Is everything OK? Why are you screaming?”. “Everything is fine. We were just excited.” . “Enjoy yourself then.” She left. Hakim said to Laila, “my lady, you help me preserve my chastity. I am indebted to you”. They then took a bath in turns and then dressed up before they slept cuddling each other.

The next morning, Habib spotted an exceptionally happy Hakim. He hugged Hakim and whispered in his ears “Your wife’s period seems to have ended.” He moved his head a bit backwards and winked at him. Hakim blushed. Habib responded, “Haha. Do not mind it” . Then they proceeded as usual. In the night when Hakim returned to his bedroom, Laila requested for sex. Hakim was not in a mood for it. But he agreed to do it for her as he was not emotionally drained either. Both of them enjoyed it. Before going to sleep, Laila demanded something that was troubling for Hakim. “You spend too little time with me. I want you to spend the entire night with me.” she looked at him pleadingly. He agreed unwillingly, “You have your rights over me. You help keep me chaste. I am willing to do it for you.” his voice cracked when he said it. Habib was someone whom he loved the most, Leaving the night chat with him was disheartening for him. 

Habib spotted his sadness the next day. He asked him what was the matter. “I want to talk to you.” replied a depressed Hakim. ”What is stopping you from doing that?” asked Habib. “ Nothing in the day. Laila in the night.” He shed a couple of tears. He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself. Habib consoled him, “We have the day dear. Is she good to you?” He struggled to hide his pain. They proceeded the day as usual through their pain. They talked more than usual during the time. They somehow managed to get over it.

Laila was very sexually demanding, but she was a good cook. She fed Hakim tasty and nutritious food from which Hakim derived the stamina to satisfy her in bed. In a couple of months, it was revealed that Laila had gotten pregnant. Hakim was happy. Habib was happy for him. His wedding was closely approaching as well. 

Finally, it was the big day for Habib. He was getting married to Janna. Before going to their bedroom, Habib had a little chat with Hakim. Laila and Janna were with them and they talked to each other. “Are you excited for the night? “ Laila asked, winking at her. Janna blushed. But lust was clearly visible in her eyes. “I was on my periods from the day of the wedding. It was hard for me. I had to wait a few days. But he is really good. I am pregnant now”. Laila felt a bit awkward. She added, “Ignore my comments on him. Enjoy your night.” and then she winked at her. Hakim and Habib ended their conversation and gave each other a hug and a kiss. Janna commented to Laila, “Why are they gay? “. Laila burst out laughing, “Trust me, they aren’t. They are just close friends. Do you need any evidence other than my pregnancy?”. Janna felt embarrassed. But she was just joking. Then Habib and Janna went in. Hakim and Laila returned to their home. 

Laila felt aroused thinking of what was going to happen between Habib and Janna. Hakim had sex with her as usual and satisfied her.

Habib and Janna didn’t have really high sex drives. However, Habib had a stronger sex drive and would initiate it more often. Meanwhile, Hakim and Laila were becoming more reluctant to have regular sex because of fear that it might harm the baby. They found pleasure in mutual masturbation.

In a few months, it became known that Janna became pregnant. The next day, Habib ran towards Hakim and hugged him and kissed him out of excitement. Hakim was happy for him. In a few months, Laila delivered a boy. They called him Adil. In another few months, Janna delivered a girl. They named her Yasmine.

They lived happily for a few years. But one night, when they were simply lying beside each other, Hakim began speaking on something that was disturbing. They were all 28 at the time. “Will you marry someone else when I die?”. Laila was taken aback, “Don’t say that. Why would you speak of dying?” she said, shocked.

“Why don’t you answer me, my lady?”

“I can’t think of any man but you.”

“You are so demanding. You feed me well just to exhaust me in bed. If I die and you don’t marry someone else, you will fall into frequent masturbation. Promise me that you will marry someone else if I die when you are still sexually active. “

“You aren’t dying. Don’t make me angry.”

“Promise me. I can’t die in peace when you will suffer without me. “

"You aren't dying. And I promise that I will marry someone if that happens. But I don’t think I will ever get another man like you.”

Hakim hugged her and shed some tears. Laila was extremely upset seeing his unusual behaviour. The next day, Hakim asked Habib for a promise that he will do whatever is needed to keep Laila and Adil safe if he dies. Habib was shocked but he gave that promise.

Things went fine for a few weeks. One day, Hakim and Habib went to a park. They took their wives and children with them. Hakim was the first to notice it. He jumped towards Habib. A knife pierced his chest. He fell flat on the ground. “La Ilaha Illallah” he mumbled before his last breath. Habib had to act quickly. He now had the responsibility to protect his wife and child as well as Hakim’s. He noticed a second knife in the hand of the attacker. He gave him a kick on his hand causing him to trip and lose hold of the knife. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. “It is the second time he is doing this.” he said through his tears. He took the knife from the ground and stabbed the attacker. Meanwhile, Laila had instructed Janna to go home with Adil and Yasmine and she was leaving. Laila was calling the ambulance for Hakim. She was in tears. She could not bear the thought of losing him. She stood next to him waiting. She tried to convince herself that he will come back alive. She stood next to him. Habib noticed an attacker approaching her. He pulled the knife out of the attacker’s body and jumped in between him and Laila. He pushed the knife hard into the attacker’s chest. At the same time, another knife pierced his chest. He collapsed into Hakim’s chest.  “La Ilaha Illallah” he mumbled before his last breath. Laila felt more worried. What would she say to Janna? The ambulance arrived. But without much of a purpose. Laila was guarding two corpses. 

They were buried together. Laila and Janna hugged each other tightly and cried. Their breasts were rubbing against each other. In a few minutes they felt a wetness in their panties. They looked at each other in shock. “Did you wet your underwear?” Janna whispered in Laila’s ears. Laila replied blushingly, “Yes”. Janna joked, “It wasn’t our husbands but we who were gay!” she chuckled. But her chuckle was broken by her own sobbing accompanied by that of Laila. They moved away from each other and cried hugging their child. They were taken to their parent’s home the next day. 

In a year, Laila got engaged to a man named Hamid. He was a widower whose wife got killed in an accident. None of their parents took interest in the marriage. Laila’s father let her marry him and just signed on the papers. It was the decision of Laila and Hamid. They had both promised their spouses that they would get married if they died. On their wedding night, Hamid did reveal to Laila as to what happened with his wife. “Muneera” he recalled fondly, his eyes wet from her memory. “I was crossing the road. She jumped in between me and a vehicle that would have hit me without her. On her deathbed, she made me promise to marry again.” He wept. Laila’s eyes grew moist thinking of Hakim. They couldn’t carry on that night. 

The next night, they tried to satisfy themselves sexually. They were starving for it. That night, they tried to kiss. After each kiss, they would pull themselves back. They felt a burden on their chests. They remembered Muneera and Hakim respectively. Then they remembered their promises and would try again. But they still struggled. They tried stripping a piece of clothing at a time. Though with a mixture of guilt and sense of compulsion, they managed to get naked for each other. They got through each barrier in a similar fashion before finally hitting the home run and attaining orgasms. They felt triumphant at this point. They had fulfilled their promise to their previous spouses. They hugged and congratulated each other like a pair that won a doubles tennis championship. “Hakim, I hope you are happy with me, wherever you are. “ said Laila . “Oh Muneera! Are you pleased with me? I fulfilled my promise, “ said Hamid. They took a bath and clothed themselves. Then they lay on the bed next to each other thinking of their former spouses. They were happy and sad. They cried out of both emotions. They slept. 

They lived happily together ever after. Though the memory of their spouses would make them upset. Adil grew happily with them. Though his mother’s tears hurt him at times. Janna stayed single for the rest of her life. Yasmine was her only concern.


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